Their Baby Surprise Page 13
Rachel sighed she made her way back down the stairs a short time later. Matt’s reaction to the news that she was pregnant had stunned her. She was very much aware that she had done him a grave injustice. She had simply assumed that he would be upset about the baby instead of letting him tell her how he felt himself. It just seemed to confirm how little she really knew about relationships.
It was an unsettling thought and it was hard to shrug it off as she went into the sitting room. Matt had poured their tea and placed the cups on the table in front of the fire. Rachel sat down on the sofa, feeling incredibly nervous as she picked up her cup and saucer. It wasn’t just Matt’s reaction to her being pregnant that had shocked her, of course. She’d been stunned when he had told her that he loved her. Although she desperately wanted to believe him, she couldn’t help having doubts. What if he had only told her that because he’d felt it was the right thing to do in the circumstances?
The cup clattered back onto its saucer and she saw Matt look at her. Even though it was tempting just to accept what he said, she knew in her heart that she needed to be absolutely sure about his feelings for her. ‘I don’t want you to feel that you have to…well, pretend, Matt.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘You said that you loved me but are you sure that it’s true? You’re not just saying that because of the baby?’
‘No, I’m not!’ he exclaimed forcefully. ‘I know it’s taken me a long time to admit it but I love you, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you’re having my baby.’
Rachel’s heart overflowed with happiness when she heard the conviction in his voice. ‘You can’t imagine how wonderful it feels to hear you say that and know that you mean it.’
‘Oh, I think I can.’ He smiled at her with a wealth of tenderness in his eyes. ‘I can imagine only too well how marvellous it must feel to know that you’re loved.’
Rachel knew what he was asking her and all of a sudden it was the simplest thing in the world to give him the answer he wanted. ‘You don’t need to imagine it any longer because it’s true. I love you, Matt. So very, very much.’
‘Wow!’ He laughed deeply. ‘It feels even better than I thought it would, especially as I’d convinced myself that you didn’t care a fig about me after you announced that you were leaving Dalverston.’
‘I never wanted to leave,’ she admitted. ‘I just thought it was the right thing to do.’
‘Because you didn’t know how I’d feel about becoming a father again?’
‘Yes. I…I thought you’d be horrified and I was afraid that you would end up hating me.’
‘I could never hate you,’ he said so sincerely that it brought tears to her eyes. He leant forward and she saw fleeting sadness cross his face. ‘If I hadn’t found out tonight by accident, would you have left without saying anything?’
‘No! I always intended to tell you about the baby, Matt. I just decided that it would be better if we weren’t together at the time. That way you wouldn’t feel as though you had to stay with me for the sake of our child. I didn’t want you to feel trapped.’
He shook his head. ‘I would never have felt like that, Rachel. I’m thrilled to bits that I’m going to be a dad again.’
‘You really mean that, don’t you?’ She smiled at him, uncaring that tears were streaming down her cheeks.
‘Of course I do.’ He came and knelt in front of her, his face filled with wonderment as he placed his hand ever so gently on her stomach. ‘The thought that there is a new life growing in there all because of our love for each other is just so wonderful. Thank you, Rachel. Thank you so much for giving me such a marvellous gift.’
‘There’s no guarantee the pregnancy will go to term,’ she said quickly. Even though she didn’t want anything to spoil this moment for them, she had to be honest about the risks involved. ‘I’ll need to have all kinds of tests done because of my age…’
‘I realise that. But no matter what happens, darling, it won’t change how I feel. It couldn’t do. I love you and I want to be with you for ever. This baby is just a wonderful bonus.’
He kissed her softly on the lips, a kiss of great tenderness that quickly turned to one of passion. Rachel kissed him back, wanting him to know how much she loved him. They made love right there on the rug in front of the fire, their bodies warmed by the blaze as well as the heat of their desire. Rachel’s heart overflowed with happiness as she gave herself up to Matt’s tender ministrations and allowed all the misery of the past few weeks to melt away. She would never ever doubt him again. She knew now in her heart that he would always be true to her, that he loved her and wanted her for evermore. Maybe that was the key to a lasting relationship, she thought in surprise: trust. She had never trusted anyone before but she trusted Matt and nothing that happened from this moment on would destroy that trust.
It was a moment of revelation she would remember for the rest of her life, a life she would share with Matt and their child, hopefully. When they finally drew apart she told him that and saw the tears that shimmered in his eyes as he realised she was giving him another precious gift. He kissed her hungrily then drew her close, pulling a throw off the sofa and covering them with it so that they were cocooned in their happiness and she couldn’t begin to explain how it made her feel, safe, secure, loved. She had the whole world right here, she thought dreamily, everything she wanted and needed. How lucky she was.
Matt felt a wave of relief wash away the nightmare that he had lived with for weeks. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Rachel had meant it when she had said that she loved him and he couldn’t describe how it made him feel. To know that this beautiful, caring woman wanted him for ever and ever was too much to take in. He kissed her hair, feeling the silky waves clinging to his lips. He had been given the rarest, most precious gift of all: he was loved.
‘What are you thinking?’
He tipped his head to the side and smiled at her. ‘That I’m the luckiest man alive to be loved by you.’
‘And I’m the luckiest woman alive to be loved by you,’ she replied softly, kissing the side of his jaw.
‘Hmm, that feels so good,’ he murmured, drawing her closer so that she could feel exactly how good it had been, and she giggled, a girlish, happy sound that filled him with delight.
‘You are insatiable, Matthew Thompson!’
‘Guilty as charged,’ he replied, nibbling her bare shoulder. ‘I’m not going to argue with you, so does that win me any extra brownie points?’
‘No, it doesn’t…well, maybe a few,’ she relented as he drew her even closer. ‘However, I think we need to finish our talk before we tot up how many points you’ve scored.’
‘About us and the baby, you mean?’ He lay back on the rug, drawing her into his arms so that her head was cushioned on his bare chest. ‘That’s easy. Obviously, we’re going to get married and live happily ever after…’
‘Whoa! Hang on a second.’ She sat up and stared at him. ‘Did you say married?’
‘Of course.’ He ran a finger down her cheek, let it flow on towards her collar bone, his intentions clear until she grabbed hold of his hand.
‘There is no “of course” about it! Marriage is a huge commitment.’
‘So is having a baby and we’re doing that, aren’t we?’ He smiled up at her. ‘Call me old-fashioned, Rachel, but I believe in marriage. I think it’s the best basis for two people who want to build a life together. It also offers stability when there are children involved.’
‘Hmph! You make it sound very romantic. What happened to love and lust, etcetera?’
‘Oh, there will be lots of that!’ He pulled her down beside him and gently rolled her onto her back then kissed her lips. ‘I want to marry you because I love you, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to know that you’re mine and that no matter what happens we’ll always be together.’
He kissed her lingeringly, savouring the sweetness of her mouth. It was an effort to conti
nue when he finally drew back. ‘I also swear on my honour that once we are married I shall see it as my duty to keep lust alive and fully functioning. I definitely don’t intend to take you for granted if that’s what you’re worried about.’
‘It did cross my mind,’ she said, grinning shamelessly up at him.
‘Then don’t let it cross it again.’ He rose to his knees and took hold of her hand. ‘So will you marry me, Rachel Mackenzie, and make me the happiest as well as the luckiest man in the world?’
‘I’ll need to think about it,’ she replied, pretending to give the idea due thought. She squealed when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. ‘All right, then, yes! Yes, I’ll marry you, Matt, although what Heather and Ross are going to think about us getting married is anyone’s guess.’
‘They’ll be thrilled to bits, especially when they find out about the baby,’ he assured her with a confidence that stemmed from pure joy. Nothing would spoil their happiness. He wouldn’t let it!
‘Let’s hope they are both up for a spot of babysitting,’ Rachel murmured, pulling him towards her.
That marked the end of the conversation, not that Matt was sorry. They had far better things to do and they did them too. As they lay together in his bed later that night, he felt as though he was floating on air. He had found the woman who was going to make his world complete again and they were having a child. Life couldn’t get any better than this!
Two years later….
A soft breeze blew in off the ocean, cooling the heat of the day to a bearable level. Matt stood beside the platform that had been built above the shore and watched the waves lapping at the glistening white sand. It was his wedding day and he knew that it was going to be a very special occasion, one he and Rachel would remember for the rest of their lives with pleasure.
They had flown to Thailand at the beginning of the week and spent several days in Bangkok completing the formalities. Once that was done they and their guests had been driven to Hua Hin on the coast. Rachel had confessed that it had always been her dream to be married by the ocean and he had pulled out all the stops to make sure that she had the wedding she wanted. It was winter back home in England but here in this tropical paradise the sun shone each and every day. Another wonderful omen for their life together.
The music suddenly changed, the triumphant strains of the Wedding March heralding his bride’s arrival. Matt turned to face her, feeling his heart overflow with love. She had been very secretive about her dress and had forbidden him to take even the tiniest peek at it, but it had been worth the wait. Rachel looked a vision in the simple silk gown she had chosen for the occasion with tiny, star-like white flowers in her hair.
His smiled at her then let his gaze move on to the people who had travelled all that way to celebrate them getting married. Heather was here with her husband, Archie, both of them looking so gloriously happy that Matt’s own pleasure intensified. Ross was also here with Gemma at his side and it was obvious that they were very much in love too. Ben and Zoe were laughing as they held hands with their daughter, who was skipping along beside them. They too had the look that all couples in love shared, one of happiness and pride. How odd that a cancelled wedding had led to so many people finding true love.
Matt’s smiled widened when he recognised a familiar little voice. He stepped forward and lifted the little girl out of her mother’s arms. Sophie Jane Thompson was the image of her mother from her shiny chestnut curls to her huge brown eyes and he adored her.
‘Hello, princess. Have you been a good girl for Mummy?’
Sophie nodded her head, setting the tiny flowers that had been woven through her hair bobbing. She was wearing a white dress too, with frilly white socks and white satin shoes. Matt put her down on the ground and took a firm hold of her hand as he smiled at Rachel.
‘You look beautiful,’ he said softly, loving her with his eyes.
‘Thank you,’ she replied, smiling up at him as she slipped her hand into his. ‘Not changed your mind, have you? You still want to go ahead with this?’
‘Oh, most definitely.’
He dropped a kiss on her lips then led her towards the arch of flowers that marked the entrance to the podium that had been erected for the ceremony. There was a muslin canopy overhead to shade them from the sun and more flowers arranged in huge vividly coloured displays, but Matt was barely aware of his surroundings as he made his vows to love and cherish Rachel until the day he died.
This was what mattered most, he thought. These promises they made. He meant every word and knew that Rachel meant them too, and happiness filled him to the brim. They were going to have the most wonderful life together.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-4859-9
First North American Publication 2010
Copyright © 2009 by Jennifer Taylor
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